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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
Service Description: Map service containing active construction projects (Provided by HICAMS). Active construction projects are those with less than 95% complete.
This service provides access to active NCDOT projects and associated HiCAMS data. The NCDOT Construction Projects (Lines) Layer consists of construction projects represented as lines. The NCDOT Construction Projects (Points) Layer consists of the same construction projects represented as points. Unmapped HiCAMS Contracts is a table consisting of HiCAMS projects for which there is no spatial representation, yet. The project point and line spatial data does not represent all projects under construction. The HiCAMS data is updated nightly. There may be a lag between the spatial data update and HiCAMS data update. (pub date: 2/7/2020)
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Description: This service provides access to NCDOT projects currently under construction and associated HiCAMS data. Only projects with associated TIPs are included. Construction projects are categorized on construction percent complete vs dollars spent variance. The variance is calculated as follows: Construction % Complete – Financial % Complete.
The NCDOT Construction Projects (Lines) Layer consists of construction projects represented as lines. The NCDOT Construction Projects (Points) Layer consists of the same construction projects represented as points. Unmapped HiCAMS Contracts is a table consisting of HiCAMS projects for which there is no spatial representation, yet. The project point and line spatial data does not represent all projects under construction. The HiCAMS data is updated nightly. There may be a lag between the spatial data update and HiCAMS data update. HiCAMS data is updated nightly. Spatial features are updated monthly. (geoservice date: 2/15/2018)
Copyright Text: NCDIT-T GIS Unit, HiCAMS Team
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -166655.38662410155
YMin: -1028056.9050996733
XMax: 3307189.2635196536
YMax: 2174847.2152278563
Spatial Reference: 102719
Full Extent:
XMin: 450154.08994330466
YMin: 48832.13677600026
XMax: 3050181.5145499706
YMax: 1032573.7952799946
Spatial Reference: 102719
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: NCDOT_RoadProjects.aprx
Comments: This service provides access to NCDOT projects currently under construction and associated HiCAMS data. Only projects with associated TIPs are included. Construction projects are categorized on construction percent complete vs dollars spent variance. The variance is calculated as follows: Construction % Complete – Financial % Complete.
The NCDOT Construction Projects (Lines) Layer consists of construction projects represented as lines. The NCDOT Construction Projects (Points) Layer consists of the same construction projects represented as points. Unmapped HiCAMS Contracts is a table consisting of HiCAMS projects for which there is no spatial representation, yet. The project point and line spatial data does not represent all projects under construction. The HiCAMS data is updated nightly. There may be a lag between the spatial data update and HiCAMS data update. HiCAMS data is updated nightly. Spatial features are updated monthly. (geoservice date: 2/15/2018)
Subject: This service contains to NCDOT projects currently under construction and associated HiCAMS data. HiCAMS data is updated nightly. Spatial features are updated monthly. (geoservice date: 2/15/2018)
Keywords: NC,NCDOT,transportation,projects,construction,cost
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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